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{"meta":{"description":"The Long-Anticipated Sequel Is Here. Does it Live Up to the Hype?","keywords":"anticipated , sequel, hype, pre-built, gaming, computer"},"active":true,"show_in_home":true,"show_as_recent":false,"show_as_popular":false,"_id":"6143e7f6bb5ae36e4b95a310","aid":"psychonauts2","big_image_path":"psychonauts2-big.jpg","date":"09/16/2021","elements":[{"content":"<p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Often referred to as a classic, the original <em>Psychonauts</em> was a gem of the PS2 era. In a period of gaming that was not short on quality competition in the platformer genre, this title stood out with its engrossing story, unique animation, and fun gameplay elements.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>That was nearly two decades ago. Fast forward to 2021 and a game that many thought would never happen has finally arrived, and on PC no less. For fans of the series both new and old, you’re probably wondering if this new entry really lives up to the hype, or if it can be looked over in favor of other games. Below we will be taking a closer look at <em>Psychonauts 2</em> and will provide our take on whether or not it’s worth adding to your PC gaming collection.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>Crowdfunded Into Existence</h2><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Compared to most games, especially ones of this caliber, <em>Psychonauts 2</em> has a decidedly unorthodox beginning. As the original was released back in 2005, and wasn’t all that successful, there was actually no real plan for a sequel. Over the years, however, the game amassed a large following and the demand for a sequel was high.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Starting in 2015, a crowdfunding effort was actually created to get a sequel off the ground, and this was actually an incredibly successful endeavor. Fans of the game raised over 3 million dollars in a joint effort with developers Double Fine to make this sequel a reality, which is a major testament to just how loved the original game really is.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Five years later, and the game has finally arrived. Much to the relief of fans everywhere, not to mention PC gamers hankering for a solid platformer (of which there have been few and far between lately), it looks like that by all accounts, the second go-around for <em>Psychonauts</em> is slated to be a hit.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>Exploring The World of Psychonauts 2</h2><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Much like the original, <em>Psychonauts 2</em> is a game full of fantastical environments and off the wall sci-fi action. The player takes control of Razputin Aquato, better known as Raz, who is a kid with impressive psychic abilities. In the original game, Raz runs off to join a group of spies that all possess special powers, known as the Psychonauts. It is through delving into the minds of others and helping people overcome various issues that Raz strengthens his abilities.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>The sequel picks up from where the original left off, with players once again taking control of Raz. Only this time, Raz and the team are digging into the Psychonauts HQ and everything is not exactly what it appears to be. Without giving anything away, the story is one of the areas where both the original and the sequel shine, offering a delightful cast of detailed characters that feel organic and fleshed out.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>What’s notable about the worlds you explore in <em>Psychonauts 2</em> is just how colorful and eye-catching they are. Even more so than the original, the graphics are truly stunning, and with plenty of areas to explore, you won’t easily tire of them.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>How does the gameplay hold up, however? What stood out in the original was the innovative blend of traditional platforming elements mixed with various psychic powers. Add some puzzles and you have a very digestible platforming cocktail.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>It looks like the sequel has only improved upon the original, with the addition of some new acrobatic skills and plenty of challenging yet rewarding platforming segments. What made the original so appealing from a gameplay perspective was how satisfying it was to use the novel psychic abilities in creative and fun ways, providing an entertaining twist to the usual platformer antics we’re all used to.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>On the actual worlds front, the game doesn’t disappoint either. You are once again exploring the minds of NPCs, and there’s a whole lot to unpack. There’s just enough exploration to make you feel like exploration is worth it, but the game also bucks the trend of open-world environments for a more traditional platformer feel.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>One of the only gripes players seem to have about the game up until this point is a few frustrating boss battles, but this is almost expected. Outside of this, everything from the story to the gameplay shines with the same degree of uniqueness, quality, and attention to detail as its predecessor, and perhaps more so.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>Worth The Buy?</h2><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Expect this game to be a staple in gaming PC libraries as the months roll on, at least if you consider polished platformers to be a must have.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Although the original was released quite a while ago, this new entry does require a bit of oomph in the graphics card and processor departments, so if you are thinking about running this game on an ordinary home PC instead of your console, you may want to consider an upgrade.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Here at CLX, we specialize in high-performance gaming PCs for every kind of game on the market. Whether it’s the colorful and outrageous world of <em>Psychonauts</em> or the gritty warzones found in your typical multiplayer shooter, we have you covered.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Check out our <a href='' data-mce-href=''>selection of gaming PCs</a> available here in our store, and outfit it to your needs with the help of our extensive customization options. If you have been dreaming of playing <em>Psychonauts 2</em> on PC for years, now’s the time to get your hands on the perfect gaming machine for your needs.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p0","sort_index":0,"type":"paragraph"}],"mid_image_path":"psychonauts2-mid.jpg","sid":"pc-gaming-esports-news","small_image_path":"psychonauts2-small.jpg","sub_title":"The Long-Anticipated Sequel Is Here. Does it Live Up to the Hype?","title":"Psychonauts 2 Has Officially Landed"}