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{"meta":{"keywords":"Battlefield, Infinite , mechanics, pre-built, gaming, computer","description":"After the release of titles like Halo Infinite and…ng the ball at the time of launching their titles"},"active":true,"show_in_home":true,"show_as_recent":false,"show_as_popular":false,"_id":"61d3232c5ccd24c0b70f0c6f","aid":"hell-let-loose","big_image_path":"hell-let-loose-big.jpg","date":"12/24/2021","elements":[{"content":"<p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Titles seem to revolve around the same mechanics, and some publishers seem to be dropping the ball at the time of launching their titles. However, small publishers are demonstrating there is still a huge demand for more battles set during World War II, and an active player base willing to learn new rules of engagement.</p><p><br></p><p>We recently hit 500 hours into this game, and we´re ready to let you guys know what we think.</p><p><br></p><p>Hell Let Loose is the closest thing to an emotional rollercoaster you can experience. The game is massive, and writing a complete review for it will probably take too long, especially because of the intricate mechanics that go way beyond just jumping in and going pew pew.</p><p><br></p><p>I will try to keep it short and sweet, only pointing out why you should (or shouldn't) give this game a try. Let's get into it.</p><p><br></p><p>On the surface, Hell Let Loose looks like another World War 2 multiplayer shooter. However, as soon as you jump in, you feel something is different this time around. The team is divided into squads, and there is a lot of chattering going on. Then, you are soon thrown into a massive battlefield where almost anything can insta-kill you, forcing you into an infinite loop of respawning and traveling just to get killed again by a random bullet.</p><p><br></p><p>To be honest, I started this game thinking I could “John Wick” my way through the battlefield, and win the battle by keeping a decent K/D ratio. Instead, I ended up staring at the death screen for the better of the match not knowing what's going on. I tried hard to figure out why so many of our friends would enjoy this game, but the experience was frustrating to the point of thinking I would uninstall the game and go back to complaining about how unfinished <a href='' data-mce-href=''>Battlefield 2072</a> felt (that game is pretty fun, though).</p><p><br></p><p>However, I decided to go read a bit about the game and give it a second chance. Boy, was I in for a treat or what?</p><p><br></p><p><strong><br data-mce-bogus='1'></strong></p><p><strong>Hell Let Loose is a hardcore mil-sim game directed at those who wonder how real battles felt like 80-90 years ago</strong>. The title is gritty, noisy, gory, and terrifying. But it is also exciting and incredibly rewarding if you and your team know what you're doing.</p><p><br></p><p>First off, the game forces you to work in teams or squads of up to 6 people. Each team member excels at a very specific role, enforcing a codependence on teammates, and making it vital to stick together if you expect to survive.</p><p><br></p><p>The correct utilization of the game´s comm system can be the difference between having a fighting chance of winning and watching your team getting mowed down relentlessly for 2 hours. The effectiveness of commanders and team leaders, and how well they coordinate tasks, is the real secret to winning battles in Hell Let Loose.</p><p><br></p><p>Coming from a more “arcady” background, moving across the map on Hell Let Loose felt like molasses. Literally. It takes a long time to get across a narrow field, and the fact that you can get one-shotted and be sent back to HQ a few miles away made the experience truly terrifying. However, after a while, I grew fond of the game´s strategic nature and realism.</p><p><br></p><p>Players taking the role of commanders are responsible for organizing and leading the attack. <strong>The game is about map control</strong>, not kills, or assists, or any of the usual vanity metrics used in other popular titles. Here, <strong>you need to coordinate efforts to build garrisons and outposts so you can manage your team´s respawns and resources efficiently</strong>. If your enemy takes out your OP, the next time you get killed you will have to walk a whole klick (not kidding).</p><p><br></p><p>One thing that Hell Let Loose does very well is that the support roles tend to feel more relevant. Medics and support become extremely important, unlike other games where healers get pushed around and yelled at. One word of advice, always bandage after reviving. Trust me, it is important.</p><p><br></p><p>Hell Let Loose looks great, feels great, and sounds great. Graphics are top-notch and we could see that the devs put great attention to details down to the dirt and mud, up to the particles in the air and smoke. Maps are beautifully crafted to the last detail. They feel both wholesome and wartorn at the same time. Buildings are full of upturned furniture, rubble, wrecked stairs… so it feels like these were inhabited homes up to a few hours ago.</p><p><br></p><p>The sound was a major issue for me. Being used to sound effects from the Battlefield and Call Of Duty franchises,some of the weapons felt muddled and bullets flying past me didn't have the same effect. However, the last update took care of this issue by loading a new library of sounds for all guns and explosions.</p><p><br></p><p>One thing that I liked is that Black Matter has been really supportive of its community. For example, every time they release an update, they explain the changes and the reasons behind those changes. Players never feel they have been unfairly nerfed, and the game has never felt “broken”.</p><p><br></p><p>Other publishers should start taking note of how Black Matter handles game support. Just saying.</p><p><br></p><p>In terms of balance, the game does a great job at letting you know how defenseless you are as a soldier. So, don't expect to get your hands on a superweapon, or grind your way to better gear.</p><p><br></p><p>For example, there is an almost absolute absence of advanced weapon optics. Unless you´re a spotter or a sniper, the most advanced aiming assistance you will get is an iron sight. So, forget about lame camping tactics, or long shots. You will be forced to coordinate attacks and gain terrain inch by inch, getting into short-range dogfights and getting your clothes dirty from trench mud.</p><p><br></p><p>Vehicles do not provide any unfair advantage, and you need a crew of three if you don't want your tank to be a sitting duck. I love the fact that anti-tank ammunition won't instakill an armored vehicle. Devs went deep into the weeds of military engineering and made tanks nigh-indestructible in the front.</p><p><br></p><p>The only thing that can give you any sort of advantage in this game, is building a good squad. And your squad needs to learn to use their microphones if they want this game to provide ANY amount of fun. Pro tip: When you join a squad, say hello on your microphone. If you don't hear an immediate answer, run for your life. Playing with people who won´t talk to each other is the best way to make this game a torture, having to run aimlessly around a field with no clear objectives or a sense of purpose.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>How to get the best performance on Hell Let Loose?</h2><p>There are a few things you can do to enjoy this game the way the devs intended.</p><p><br></p><p>First, play this game from an SSD. SSDs are today more reliable and offer incredibly faster load times than mechanical drives. I have encountered performance issues in machines that only have 8 or 12GB. Also, install multiple RAM sticks so your machine efficiently manages your memory.</p><p><br></p><p>In terms of hardware, the game does not set the bar too high for its minimum requirements. Having a Radeon R9 380 and an i5-6600 will usually do the trick. However, expect your FPS to drop substantially whenever you encounter action, even if you use low settings. Make sure your CPU and GPU do not bottleneck each other. Having a CPU that is not as strong as your graphic card will cause problems in some of the maps that are not optimized (at least, not yet).</p><p><br></p><p>Now, if you want to squeeze the maximum amount of FPS out of this game, even when running it on epic settings, you need serious power. For our most recent run, we installed the game on a <a href='' data-mce-href=''>customized Horus gaming PC</a>, and the results were breathtaking. The game was extremely responsive and kept the FPS stable during heavy battles, allowing me to carry my team towards victory without a hiccup.</p><p><br></p><p>Hell Let Loose is a multiplayer game that requires a lot of communication between players, so you better get some decent RAM for this title. I Recommend 16 Gb so you never have problems with memory.</p><p><br></p><p>As massive multiplayer games continue to evolve, and <strong>computer PC gaming</strong> becomes both more realistic and immersive, those who appreciate this form of art and social activity need to make sure our hardware can keep up with them.</p><p><br></p><p>Make sure your hardware can deliver stunning graphics and smooth gameplay no matter what you throw at it. Select one of our customizable <a href='' data-mce-href=''>gaming PCs</a> and play your games the way the devs intended.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p0","sort_index":0,"type":"paragraph"}],"mid_image_path":"hell-let-loose-mid.jpg","sid":"pc-gaming-esports-news","small_image_path":"hell-let-loose-small.jpg","sub_title":"After the release of titles like Halo Infinite and Battlefield, many have started to feel wargame fatigue.","title":"Hell Let Loose: The Massive Multiplayer FPS That Could Revive The Genre"}