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{"meta":{"keywords":"meta, pc, console, gaming","description":"In PC and Console gaming just about everyone and t…grandma loves to be on one of two sides of a Meta"},"active":true,"show_in_home":true,"show_as_recent":false,"show_as_popular":false,"_id":"63c1929b825a0f4430f6a4d4","aid":"defining-a-meta","big_image_path":"defining-a-meta-big.jpg","date":"01/13/2023","elements":[{"content":"<p><strong><br data-mce-bogus='1'></strong></p><p><strong>What’s a Meta?<br><br></strong></p><p>In PC and Console gaming just about everyone and their grandma loves to be on one of two sides of a Meta. Those that stick to what is perceived as intended, correct, most powerful, etc. And those who seek to break these often-unwritten rules of gaming. But what is a Meta, and what makes one happen? Well, the terminology itself can flex a little depending on opinion but the general consensus of a Meta within gaming is a core rule or typing that is strongest on average. An obvious example is the structure of a match of League of Legends where there is 1 top laner, 1 middle laner, 1 jungler, 1 support, and one ADC (attack/ability damage carry). This rabbit hole goes even deeper with certain champions in the game being the best (on average) in each role, then specific items being the best on those specific characters, and so on.</p><p><br></p><p><strong><br data-mce-bogus='1'></strong></p><p><strong>Many Metas are ever-changing.</strong><strong></strong></p><p><strong><br data-mce-bogus='1'></strong></p><p>Metas in different game genres shift and change at different paces. In MOBAs they can shift with champion popularity or power swings caused by balance patches. In FPS they can shift likewise with patches, but also as new strategies come to light, or new guides from content creators on which weapon they perceive to be the best. Since the Meta is rarely defined beyond what the player base of any given game decides it to be, some games fluctuate heavily while other have stayed stagnate for years and years.</p><p><br></p><p><strong><br data-mce-bogus='1'></strong></p><p><strong>They’re (usually) more like guidelines.</strong></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>In our earlier example we gave League of Legends lane layout concept (Which dates all the way back to DOTA 1, a warcraft 3 custom game) as an example, this is a case of a developer “forced” meta. Forced Metas is a dodgy terminology sometimes used by players to argue against a concept or design they dislike. However, a standard Meta such as an item being best-in-slot is usually player driven, a general consensus within a community, and if you disagree – you are absolutely free to use something else you prefer over said item. This may come with a but of shunning from your fellow player, but far too often is a Meta established out of ease of use rather than simply being the absolute best.</p><p><br></p><p><strong><br><br><br><br>Learning or creating a Meta.</strong></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Realistically if you’re looking to create and define a Meta you’re probably already well more knowledgeable in your specific game than most. But, if you are looking to learn and pick up on a Meta, guides are easily your best option. Even if you’re not big on reading (you read this though, didn’t you?) there are numerous video guides on sites like YouTube, and even short form tips on places like TikTok these days that can get you a head start on learning.</p><p><br></p><p>But hey, maybe you’re a console gamer looking to dive into the diverse gaming Metas available on PC, or a PC gamer looking for that extra edge. Get that extra power out of your PC with a custom CLX <a href='' data-mce-href=''>desktop</a> and redefine your Meta today!</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p0","sort_index":0,"type":"paragraph"}],"mid_image_path":"defining-a-meta-mid.jpg","sid":"pc-gaming-esports-news","small_image_path":"defining-a-meta-small.jpg","sub_title":"In PC and Console gaming just about everyone and their grandma loves to be on one of two sides of a Meta","title":"Defining a Meta"}